Tim Graboski Roofing, Inc. Named Englert Certified Roofing Contractor
April 30, 2019
DELRAY BEACH, FL—Tim Graboski Roofing, Inc. here has been designated as a Certified Contractor for Englert, Inc., a leading manufacturer of residential and commercial standing seam metal roofing materials, offering a wide selection of federal EnergyStar and LEED-compliant Ultra-Cool coatings.
Tim Graboski Roofing, Inc. is one of America’s elite roofing contractors. This Florida company is one of a handful of contractors who receive the designation each year, qualifying it to install roofs on projects with the Englert’s stringent weather tightness warrantee,” notes Joe Tripod, Englert Product Solutions Director who mentors the certification program. “
The Graboski team has been providing premier roofing services for sophisticated commercial and residential roofing projects and specialty sheet metal for more than 25 years.” Certification as an Englert contractor requires a detailed understanding of all Englert roofing materials including tools, roll forming equipment, fasteners, sealants and underlayments required to install them. Companies must also meet professional requirements including at least five years of metal roof installation experience, proof of general liability insurance, workers comp, a list of five projects with references and other prerequisites.
The certification program also focuses on cold, temperate and warm weather installation tips for Englert products, storage and safety practices, five different kinds of roofing system loads and peripheral issues like penetrations, closures, venting and snow guards. It also includes a discussion of Englert roofing coatings applied on the world’s most modern paint line. “The Graboski team are true metal roofing craftsmen and an excellent choice for any architect or builder who needs an experienced, reliable roofing contractor with the expertise to deliver a flawless, on-time, installed Englert metal roof,” notes Tripod. About Tim Graboski Roofing, Inc.
Tim Graboski Roofing, Inc. has been providing professional roofing services to the Florida community since 1989. Our professional roofing services include New Construction, Replacement Roofing, Custom Estate Homes, Production Housing, Specialty Sheet Metal Projects, and Renovation Projects, as well as a FULL SERVICE Department for all of your Roofing & Energy needs. Tim Graboski Roofing, Inc. (TGRI) is a family owned and operated Roofing Contractor Certified and Licensed in the State of Florida (State CERTIFIED License #CCC046936).